Keeping our Towns Beautiful

As part of our Community Cleanup program, the NACS Foundation will host an annual cleanup day in neighborhoods across America. The mission of Community Cleanup is to keep our neighborhoods beautiful, raise awareness about environmental issues, and elevate community pride.


Convenience cares about keeping our communities beautiful. In towns and cities across the country, our members, partners, and staff are doing their part to improve and beautify their communities, through recycling programs and trash pickups.

There are over 51 billion pieces of litter on our nation’s roadways, 4.6 billion of which are larger than four inches in size (Keeping America Beautiful, 2009)

Community Cleanup

NACS Foundation’s Community Cleanup is an annual day for convenience store and fuel retailing employees and their communities to participate in trash and litter pick-up, elevating community pride and keeping our outdoor spaces and cities beautiful. NACS Foundation members and partners will pitch in to keep our country beautiful and raise awareness about environmental issues.

Litter clean up costs the U.S. more than an estimated $11.5 billion each year (Keeping America Beautiful, 2009)


If you’re interested in partnering with us to support or fund the Community Cleanup program, or you’re a NACS member who is engaged in community recycling, cleanup, or environmental programs, please let us know! Contact the NACS Foundation today.

Recycling programs can improve water, air quality, and create a trickle-down effect to go so far as boosting local economies. (EPA)

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